Studiometry 4.1.4 Released

Studiometry 4.1.4 is a small patch fixing several minor issues and adding improved syncing speed as well as an additional Invoice/Report template tag. This is a free update for all registered Studiometry 4.x users.

– New tag added for Invoice/Report templates. ItemSequentialNumber counts up from one for each debt/credit item on an invoice
– Fixed an issue that could prevent certain strings of text from working correctly in the search window
– Fixed an issue on Windows not allowing some setups to edit Invoice/Report templates
– Fixed potential crash in search window when re-checking the Include Non-Live Items checkbox
– Fixed potential issue caused with the Auto-discovery classes that help find local Studiometry servers
– Slight speed improvement for networked users. A substantial speed boost for users with large amounts of data will be available in an upcoming patch

Download: Mac | Windows
Version History: Here