Studiometry Express is a powerful Project and Client management program used to plan, track, and bill for your work. Tons of features and tools are neatly wrapped into one convenient package to manage your entire business.

Studiometry Express is a smaller, single-user only version of our award-winning project management tool, Studiometry. Studiometry Express is designed for and exclusively distributed on the Mac App Store.
Compare features of Studiometry Express and Studiometry below:

Track Studiometry Express Studiometry
Tasks and To Dos
Expenses, Rates, Timers, and Time Sheets
Time Sheet Entry and Viewing
Weekly Timesheets
Estimates, Contracts, and Proposals
Payments and Retainer Information
Mail Integration
Automatically import emails as logs from Apple Mail and several other popular email clients.
Customize Studiometry Express Studiometry
Fully Editable Invoice and Report Templates
Categories, Statuses, Types, and Colors
Currencies with Auto-Updating Exchange Rates
Customizable ID Formats
Billing Preferences and Information
Summarize Studiometry Express Studiometry
Tax Reports
Client Statements
Printable, exportable, chronological list of all fees and payments associated with a specific Client.
Project Summary
Graphical summary of a specific Project, including estimated vs. actual work done, work-type charts, and more.
Project Reports
Use the customizable templates to display and produce information about any one specific project.
Program-Wide Project Quoted vs. Actual Report
Customizable, program-wide reports showing each Project’s estimated vs. actual work done.
Invoiced Work Types Report
A quick, program-wide overview of the types of work you’re invoicing.
Summary Presets
One-click accessible reports for displaying and sorting information based on hundreds of criteria. Examples: Open Projects, This Work Week, Top Income Clients, Payments by Client, etc.
Custom Summaries
Tiered, filterable, sortable, save-able summaries capable of displaying nearly any information and field contained within Studiometry.
Project Planning Studiometry Express Studiometry
Project-Specific Tasks and To Dos
To Do and Spec Suites
Project Estimate Calculations
Project Statuses
For example: Development, Brainstorming, Invoiced, Paid.
Gantt Charts
Project Stages
Dependencies and Milestones
Project-Linked Contacts
Project Pipelines
Project Templates
Automatically populate new projects with stages, pipelines, tasks, and more based on the selected template.
System Syncing Studiometry Express Studiometry
Address Book
Menu Bar Status Item
Growl Notifications
Studiometry Touch
Networking and Employees Studiometry Express Studiometry
Multiple Employees
User-Specific Permissions
Server and Networking Capabilities
Setup a network of multiple computers running Studiometry where your data is instantly synced between machines.
Local and Remote Syncing
Offline Access to Database
Access and edit your data even without a connection to a Studiometry server.
Cloud-Syncing Service Compatibility
Use your database on multiple machines (but not simultaneously) by setting up Studiometry with Dropbox, Boxee, or other similar services.